Juneteenth at Sebago
This week Sebago hosted Outdoor Afro on Juneteenth day! Volunteers helped everyone get on the water in a variety of watercraft, and trip leaders accompanied guests in paddling and rowing. A big group left the dock in kayaks, followed by smaller groups rowing the gig, and other groups of 6 or 8 took turns paddling the big canoes. CBS New York covered the event on the evening news!
—Chris Bickford
Outdoor Afro is a national not-for-profit organization that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. What started as a kitchen table blog by Founder and CEO Rue Mapp in 2009 has since grown into a cutting-edge nationwide movement with 100-plus volunteer leaders in 60 cities with network participation reaching more than 60,000 people. Outdoor Afro reconnects Black people with the outdoors through outdoor education, recreation, and conservation.
Thank You I had a great time. I posted a slide show and video clip here: