Gardens and Grounds

Garden Chair:
Mary Ann Hoag

Sebago Canoe Club has had a long history of planting native plants on our grounds. The blooming plants and trees help make Sebago a welcoming place for both our members and guests.

In 2021, the Gardening Committee began working with horticulturists from the New York City Department of Parks to actively plan improvements to our garden areas, adding more native plants and making the gardens more sustainable. To make Sebago more welcoming and accessible to the community and members, the first area of focus in this multi-stage initiative will be the street-facing frontage.  Other improvements slated for 2021 are improving our composting practices and creating new signage. 300 plus plants planted!

As tenants of the New York City Department of Parks, Sebago must continue to make improvements to the property. As a recreational co-op, our members have a long-term commitment to sustaining our garden areas of native plants. Future areas of improvement will include additional areas including along the water’s edge to help contain erosion. Please let the Gardening Chair know if you would like to be part of the planning committee. 


None of this would be possible without the efforts of volunteers – experienced and novice gardeners’ welcome! Come spend a few hours working on the gardens. Experienced members will be on-hand to offer guidance. Dates for volunteer days will be announced on our listserv.

In addition to the gardens, volunteers are needed for routine grounds upkeep. We need volunteers to mow the lawns and keep the walkway and boat rack areas free of weeds. Anyone who may be available and interested in helping, please reaching out to or the Vice Commodore.


There are a number of garden plots available for member use on a rotating basis. To ensure that all members have fair access to garden plot, the following procedures are to be followed:

  •  A call for garden plot requests will be sent to the membership in January by the Garden Committee Chair and there will be a two-week window for receiving requests. Requests for a plot must be made at this time. Those members who already have a plot, and who want to retain it, must put in a request. * 
  • During the request period, one person can request a plot for sole use, or two people may request to share a plot.  
  • Requests will be honored on a first come, first serve basis.
  • If you are not assigned a garden spot due to lack of availability, you will be placed on a waiting list, again in order of request, and assigned a garden spot when and if one becomes available. You will also be given priority when the next call for plot requests goes out the following January.
  •  If you are assigned a garden spot, you can have the spot for a minimum of three years, but you MUST request the continued use of your plot annually. This will confirm for the Garden Committee Chair that you are still interested in maintaining your plot.
  • A gardener may keep a plot longer than three years if there are no members waiting for plot assignment. If during the next request period, requests are received, the person with the plot for the longest time beyond three years will be the first person rotated out.
  • Anyone who has been rotated out of a garden plot can request to be reassigned to a new plot the next January.
  • If there are surplus plots, a gardener may be assigned two plots. But the second plot can be rotated to another member after a year if there are requests for plot. The three-year minimum only applies to the first plot assigned.
  • Only the Garden Committee chair or his/her designee can assign a plot. Plots are not transferable from member to member.
  • However, members may invite other members to co-garden their spot, but the term of plot use is set from the date of original assignment.
  • ·At their discretion, the Garden Committee Chair may reassign or not renew a request for a garden plot if the person assigned the plot fails to actively plant or maintain the plot.


  • Only senior members can be assigned a garden plot.
  • Since private plots are offered to members gratis, each member with a plot is expected to assist with general grounds maintenance throughout the year, above and beyond the club’s reqular work requirement. We depend on the skills and knowledge of our gardening members to support the Club’s native plantings and stewardship of the property.
  • Work on the public gardens counts towards your overall volunteer requirements. You must log your work hours. Click here to log your hours!

*These requirements were instituted in 2019, so 2019 counts as year one for longtime gardeners with 2021 counting as year two.
