Get Ready for the 2024 Season
This year’s spring workday will be
- Saturday, April 13 (rain date April 14)
Our main objective is the demolition of Container 4, aka the rowing shed, which is necessary to fully assess the condition of the clubhouse and to begin planning for repairs and improvements. There’s also a lot to do on the gardens and grounds front, including upkeep of the compost operation and the native plant beds. Email Rob ( backchannel if you plan to attend, want to add something to the job list, or would like to nominate yourself for a coveted position on the summer mowing and weed-whacking team.
Cabin Reservations Open Soon
Information about Lake Sebago and reservations for our cabin can be found here.
All-Club Season Opener
- Sunday, May 19
Join fellow paddlers from regional clubs for the first paddle of the season! All are invited — paddler, sailors, canoeist, rowers — to join for a potluck and barbecue at 2 p.m. Kayaks, the big canoes, and other rowing vessels will be on the water. Information on sign-up coming soon.
Open Houses
- Saturday, July 13
- Saturday, August 10
- Sunday, September 8
Calling all volunteers! Each month, we invite the community to join us for a day of paddling, rowing, and sailing excursions. Our open house events are intended to showcase the ecological richness of Jamaica Bay as well as its vast recreational potential, especially for human-powered boating. We want to share both with our neighbors and fellow city residents, and we hope that some will be interested in joining us as new members. Please invite family and friends.
Volunteer sign-ups will be posted on the email list.
Ambassadors of the Day
Our gates will open to the public beginning Memorial Day and every weekend though Labor Day. Once again, we need volunteers to cover Saturday and Sunday shifts (9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.) The ambassadors greet any visitors and provide short tours and answer any questions as needed. Jeremy Lintz will has volunteered to again manage the sign-up calendar. Calls for volunteers will go out on the email list.
New Members Coming Soon!
In June we will be welcoming approximately 50 new members. Thank you to our membership team and the trip leaders who will greet the new members at three orientation days in June, making introductions, answering questions, and getting everyone out of the water for an introductory paddle.
One last thank you to all the volunteers who have been working to put together the activity calendar. It will be posted soon!
Don’t forget to sign your waiver!
All members must sign an annual waiver.
Volunteer hours
Don’t forget to post your hours using the Club Work Book. Post your workhours and avoid work fees.
Bookmark the page!
Looking forward to a great Spring 2024 season!
—Beth Eller & Rob Buchanan