Boat Demo Day
By Chris Bickford
The Sebago Canoe Club and the Appalachian Mountain Club combined teaching talents and boats to introduce paddling to interested SCC & AMC members. Loretta Brady, Charles Michener & Dan Olson discussed boat nomenclature and demonstrated paddle strokes and boat handling techniques for getting around in canoes and kayaks. Chris Bickford provided canoe handling commentary.
Two Pyranha white water boats were provided by Oleg Buslovsky. Allen Kossover provided 2 very special kayaks that students paddled. – P&H Cetus low volume 17.5 ft expedition kayak. – P&H Scorpio (new design) Mid Volume. Charles displayed a white water canoe with center ” saddle ” for a seat !
Pictures courtesy of Chris Bickford
Is anyone knowledgeable about Sebago rowing skiffs?
I have what I think is a mid 1950’s boat that I would love to have someone identify… (?)