City of Water Day – Open House 2019
Fabulous pictures from the City of Water Day – our Open House 2019 Photos By Chris Bickford
Fabulous pictures from the City of Water Day – our Open House 2019 Photos By Chris Bickford
You know you’ve done something right when your seven-year-old granddaughter comes home from school and, mystified, says to her mother, “None of my friends have a kayak”.
What follows is a collection of emails I sent to the Sebago community as a log of my experiences at the 2018 Laser Masters World Sailing Championships in Dun Laoghaire, Ireland…
As I was preparing these materials, Steve Heinzerling wrote that the December SCC movie night feature would be Keepers of the Game, a documentary by Judd Ehrlich about the efforts of a Native American Mohawk group of high school girls to form a lacrosse team, a game traditionally played only by men. As of now, I have seen only the trailer, but I believe you will find correspondences between the film and this article.
We are not quite Rollin’ on the River just yet. But we are Rockin’ near the Basin. Sebago has a rock/folk/new age (old age) group of the musically inclined. We get together to play, mostly various guitar types, but random drum, tambourine, cymbal, or whatever. Thanks to Howie Alfred for initiating this fun gathering…
Remembrances and stories about recently lost, beloved and powerhouse member, Tony Pignatello
The story is still told in the kivas not only of the ancient ones but of their children and transformations. As it was told to me, so I tell it to you. This was before fires and the instruments we have had since. It is a story of your relatives: the swift-footed, four-leggeds, and the winged ones.
One by one they had come down into the Valley of Shadows in wagons of fear. They were led by a fisherman, his wife, and their new child. The fisherman had been away from the sea for many years. And in all their days of marriage, the fisherman and his wife had been childless. It was not until the journey that the couple came to have a child. On their way through the mountains, the fisherman’s wife
EBlade - December 2016 / Features
by club-ad · Published December 5, 2016 · Last modified May 16, 2017
In December, 1967 I joined the Saint Francis Prep Flatwater Canoe and Kayak team. My introduction to the team was at the Metropolitan Avenue pool and bath house in Williamsburg. At the time, I was a member of the school swim team which practiced at the facility. The canoe team, moderated by Brother Louis Cunningham, swam for conditioning in the off-season at the same time…
EBlade - December 2016 / Features
by club-ad · Published December 4, 2016 · Last modified May 16, 2017
When Theodore Roosevelt was asked if it were true that carrying a lighted torch would protect him from a lion, he supposedly answered, “It depends on how fast you carry it.” Teddy’s wit won here, but if your self-esteem and bragging rights as a kayaker depended on it how could you meet the challenge outlined below?
EBlade - December 2016 / Features
by club-ad · Published December 4, 2016 · Last modified May 17, 2017
A November New York Times article about explorers finding a “lost world of wrecks” in the Bulgarian waters of the Black Sea with at least 44 wrecks prompted me to work with the information and pursue it…
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