City of Water Day – Open House 2019
· Updated
Fabulous pictures from the City of Water Day – our Open House 2019
Photos By Chris Bickford
Kayak Launching Prep
Kayak Assist
Melonseed and kayaker
Group in Melonseed
Are we ready?
Goat Island skiff rowing
Billion Dollar Oyster Crew geared up to get in the water
Sunfish launch instruction
Billion Dollar Oyster folks in the water
Sunfish – on the water
Getting to the canoe
Jim and Howie on Canarsian
Barb – staff leader
War Canoe paddlers in sync
Billion Dollar Oyster Crew examining the oysters
Look at that oyster
Flatwater paddlers launching
Ready to sail in the Melonseed
Sunfish on the water
Youth at Open House
Melonseed crew
Flatwater paddlers – K4
Melonseed, Rowers and K4
Signing up for boating
Melonseed on Paerdegat Basin
Kids ready to canoe
Canoeing at Sebago
War canoe docking
Howie driving Canarsian
War canoe on the water
Kayak Leaders – ready to go
Manuevering the canoe
Kayak ready to launch
Kayak check at the dock
Getting in, getting out of a kayak
kayak rescue
Getting in the boat…. very carefully
Full crew in canoe
Bonnie with canoe crew
Don’t forget a waterbottle!
ready for participants
Open House Sign-up desk
Info – Billion Dollar Oyster Project
Canoe on the water
K4 pushes off
Kayaks on the ground
Ground festiviities
Getting ready to take a canoe trip
kayaks are ready, overhead K4 is heading to the water
assigning the kayaks to participants
Sebago leaders
Trip instruction for kayak trip