News from our Activities

Group picture of the Sailing Class

Sailing Class 2017

I know we say it every year but… We had a great sailing class this weekend, always a feat of organizing for our Sailing Committee, with 12 volunteer instructors and 10 students and all the challenges that an outdoor weather dependent sport present.

More on that Flag Day paddle to the dance.

I don’t remember exactly when the idea for this trip first came up. I’ve been taking Monday night dance classes from Megan Downes, who used to be one of my dance teachers at the Irish Arts Center back when I was doing more set dancing, ever since that fun day last year when I went to… ⇒ continue reading

Spring Race Series, Race 3, photo courtesy David Cripton

Sailing Committee Report – 2017

Another season is upon us and our Spring Race Series is almost complete as I write this report. In the spring, the weather and conditions are always an ongoing surprise and this spring was no different with actual conditions rarely matching the forecast. For the first time in many years we actually held one of our races in Paerdegat Basin

Canoe Restoration, visit to the shop, photo courtesy of Patrick Daniels

Canoe Committee Report – May 2017

The big news for canoe aficionados is the return of our fully restored, Old Town war canoe. Long canoes have a long history of warlike use by the indigenous people of North America and Africa. Be assured, the Canoe Committee is committed to their peaceful use, including programming for families, the community and others. The amount of war canoe programming

War canoe restoration, visit to the boat shop. photo courtesty Jim Luton

Preserving a Classic – The Restoration of War Canoe One

By the end of last season, it became evident that our classic Old Town war canoes were not going to go much further without some serious attention. Many years of well-intentioned but misguided repair efforts and inadequate storage conditions have rendered both boats nearly unusable. I’ve done some wood and canvas canoe restoration myself, and I know enough to be wary of undertaking a project

Group of kayakers with new Kayak Chair, Lydia

Sea Kayak Report

Your new kayak chair here. First, I want to thank Tony Pignatello for an amazing year of programming and applaud him for his many years of service and four years as sea kayak chair! …

Sailing Report

Our typical Spring sailing season was nearly a bust this year, as the expected dock replacement did not get underway until well into April. We were forced to forfeit all but two of the races for our Spring Series with no way to launch the boats, and no committee boat either. But after that we had a wonderful season…

Canoe Report

This season, the Canoe Committee focused on four areas of activities related to instruction, high adventure, family activities and public trips. The Canoe Committee exists in a virtual and inclusive world, drawing participation from Sebago kayakers, sailors, rowers and their families…

Boat Shop News – The Point Comfort 23

After a year and nine months of construction, we actually have an end in sight for Canarsian, the club’s new launch and safety boat. A boat this size, even a simple one like our center console Point Comfort 23, has what seems like an endless number of details to resolve and acres of surface area to sand, epoxy coat, sand, paint, and did I mention sand?…